Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kitchen Monster of the Night

I have been absent since.. what? 7 days? 7 days of blogging? haha! I tried to blog daily but last week was one of my weakest weeks... I have been sleeping for at least 12hrs and in some cases even 15hrs! That was sick! I was so weak to get up and I could just feel every vein in my body crying out for nutrients. And, it was raining pretty bad. I wasn't sick last week, I was just busy coping up with my new workout and diet plan. So, for the past 2 nights, I have been eating and cooking healthy. Tuna and other types of fish! PROTEIN load baby! But the thing is, I haven't got out of my bed for the last week and I wasn't able to get to the groceries. So, I have been cooking what I can to get my PROTEIN load! haha!

Yesterday at midnight, I was dying of hunger so I was searching for Tuna canned goods in our kitchen shelves and found it empty. Then, I had this crazy idea to skip the meal! Wait? What?! Of course, I didn't! I realize it is time to grow up and cook things on my own with my own creative and somewhat crazy ideas. So I found this Raw Tuna Fillet and wondered how to cook it. Trust me I did Google search! But, nothing helps me from what I have found, we were running out of ingredients so I did what I have to do to survive!

My First Tuna Fillet

It turned out pretty good and tastes great too! Now, earlier I was hungry and I need to cook. Since I already consumed most of the ingredients yesterday, I was constantly looking in to our fridge. It was bad-bad. Good thing, I did try and take out stuff from the freezer and I found fish! My sweet PROTEIN food! I don't know what it is but I still cooked it in a weird way, I guess. Because, I am pretty sure my mom and our cook does not do it like I did below. If you can spot some errors, I'd be glad to give you a price!

My First Fried Fish

You can look further into the details of this fish and spot some errors on my tumblr but make sure to comment it out here and we'll see who wins!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Improving Fat Loss

I have been immersed to fitness since I noticed my belly started to grow bigger. I have been searching for ways to increase my fat loss and even joined a weight loss challenge for 8 weeks this past 2 weeks! This Friday will be my 3rd week weigh-in for the challenge and I am pretty happy for the minor changes. I have lost 4-6 pounds already and I still want to improve it.

For those of you who would like to get ahead of everybody else, I have found the number 1 selling muscle-building product. I have seen it and I can tell that this could help you on your specific body type, food diet, and proper workout plan. This deals with customization only for you!

I am suggesting this because, I now and have tried so many programs given to me by people immersed in body-building and yet they give me the program that they do that doesn't work for me! Even the diet they suggested, it just doesn't work for everybody else. You need this customized fat loss program for your self and your self only!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Who wants to be a marathoner?

Running is one of the best ways to stay fit, live healthy and burn unwanted fats! Fellow runners, I have something for you, the ultimate challenge, the marathon! Now, I know this will really take a strong level of ambition and desire to compete against others and ultimately compete against yourself.

Preparing for a marathon takes weeks and a lot of effort on your side just to get ready for a race. In the end, all you ever want is to win the game of wining over yourself. Full control, discipline, hard work and endurance are the things that is hard to balance. Picking up the right program or strategy for preparation just makes you more delay or perhaps slow you down on getting ahead of your game.

Well, I have something for you, a marathon training schedule that will help you get more focused and stay on the right track! Why don't you check this out and see if you like it!

Enjoy and have a great workout! XOXOSSSS

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Diamond crown

I found this image on tumblr again and I just love to stare at it! I appreciate this photograph very much since I am into photography. Browsing so many images and analyzing them helps me learn about taking photos. Well, I'm writing this now just to share it to you guys!


Monday, July 2, 2012

When it rains just go with it!

So, earlier today, I have faced several issues. First and foremost, my favorite auto repair shop is closing this week and my car is still on their garage! I am so devastated and sad but I will go back there tomorrow to inquire for their other branch. I just hope my ride will be fixed by tomorrow.

Second thing, as I jogged after dropping off the spare part to the auto repair shop, it rained! It felt so good I had 2 rounds of long jog - slow walk routine. and then a round of slow walk. I would have stayed longer but something came up. I received a text I wish I hadn't. I got devastated, so I took a last round of slow walk then went home. Instead of going to a shorter route, I took the long route. Why? Because, I was devastated and I noticed that it's a school day so most of the public ride going home from the sports center are full. So I went to the city proper and dealt with all the heavy rain.

Now that I'm home, I am really glad to have opened my tumblr account. Most of the things on my dashboard are these images:

I am so glad to have seen these pictures, I needed them so much!